It’s Thanksgiving Week, Don’t Forget to Winterize your Misting System in Texas
Nov 20th 2017
At this time of year, Texas restaurants have the joys of
trying to figure out the weather for the next 3 months to properly prepare for
the random temperatures on their outdoor seating areas. Are we going to need our heaters or our
misting fans? Typically around Thanksgiving is a good time
to make sure your misting system is drained and clear of water to prevent a hard
freeze from doing damage to your pump, mist fans or misting lines. First, it is important to remove the filter
housing from the pump and empty all the residual water in the canister and
filter. This housing is typically blue
and can usually be unscrewed with your hands or the filter wrench that comes
with the pump. During a hard freeze
water left inside may crack this housing. Next step would be to remove all the nozzles
in the system. At this time you can
clean and store them inside. Removing
these nozzles will allow the lines and rings of the fans to drain properly
which will prevent freezing. Cleaning
them will also prevent calcium build up as the nozzles sit unused during the
off-season. A simple vinegar solution 50/50 with warm water will suffice. Doing these simple jobs will greatly reduce
the risk of any winter damage to the system and prevent unwanted repair cost. For more information or tips on fan
maintenance, please call Hydromist at 512 225-0923